Fly Culture: Fish Where You Live
As the start of trout season creeps round again, I’m feeling incredibly proud and privileged to feature in the latest issue of the beautiful Fly Culture print magazine – this time alongside work from Richard Baker, Adrian Grose-Hodge, Henry Giles, Ben Jailler, Matt Eastham, Dan Osmond and many others.
Editor Pete Tyjas asked me to write about the experience of leaving one well-loved river and moving to another. So that’s what this is… and a record of realising that spelunking around in the sources of rivers and rocks is steadily becoming indistinguishable from fly-fishing itself, and the simple but complicated importance of being able to fish where you live.
Regular readers may notice some themes that are similar to my previous Limestone Chemistry piece which appeared in Fly Culture this time last year, and they’d undoubtedly be correct. Writing finds its own way downstream, and larger bodies of work often settle in natural places.
You can pick up your Spring 2021 copy of Fly Culture here: thanks in advance for reading!
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